About Me

Theresa 'TreeGee' Grier

Theresa "TreeGee" Grier

(480) 516-3748

I'm an experienced web developer with over 15-years of experience developing and maintaining web sites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WYSIWYG editors like Wordpress.

I got my Web Master's Certification in 2020 and have utilized various resources and training to gradually build on my outdated experience to keep my skills competative, but when web development expanded to include a myriad of new technologies and principles I committed to bringing my knowledge fully up to date and become recertified in a modern context.

My education has also included obtaining a degree in Visual Communications to aid in developing my front-end design skills. Though my experience has been in web browser based sites and applications, I have also applied my skills to create, program, and impliment interactive web controls for user automation stations used in a petrolium refinery.

Currently, I am working on my Full Stack Flex certification with an anticipated completion date of end of January 2021.

Theresa Grier on LinkedIn Theresa Grier on GitHub

Click on the icons to connect with me on LinkedIn & GitHub.
Click here for my resume.